Urgent Temporary Road Closure U1132 West of Dalston to Chalkfoot Bridge via Cardew, Dalston 10 January 2022


 An urgent temporary road closure has been put in place to allow Cumbria Highways to carry out urgent repairs to the highway.

This notice will be in force  from 10th January 2022. It is expected that the Works will take 5 days.

The extents of the closure and alternative route and the relevant legal notice can be viewed at https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1026/5-day-urgent-notice_127054966_3395713_9dab43794c.pdf and a location plan clearly showing these extents can be found on one.network via link https://one.network/?tm=127054966

Location: a section of U1132 Cardew, Dalston from its junction with the C2048, extending in a northerly direction for a total distance of approximately 775m.

Alternative Route: via the unrestricted section of U1132, C2048 & B5299.

Temporary Road Closure - U1140 Raughton Head - 24 ...
Dalston Newsletter January 2022


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