About Dalston Parish Council
Dalston Parish Council is a locally elected body of 15 voluntary unpaid councillors who make decisions on the management and use of various assets owned and/or controlled by the Parish Council. They ensure that money allocated for local use through the precept is efficiently spent in the interests of the parish. Councillors are elected for a four year term of office to serve and administer to the needs of the residents of Dalston. When a vacancy occurs a new member is elected or co-opted until the next full election. The Council is the lowest tier of local government.
The Parish Council works alongside community groups and after consultation with parishioners they support growth and change; but are adamant that the Parish should retain its rural character and protect its very special identity, as well as making improvements. The Council have legal responsibilities as well as making observations on planning applications and dealing with many enquiries and concerns from parishioners. We work with the City and County Councils as well as City and County Councillors for the benefit of the parish.

The Dalston Parish Council meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month in The Parish Rooms at Forge Green, Riverside. The agenda is displayed on notice boards around the parish and parishioners are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings. There are also two standing committees to discuss and decide upon various issues affecting the community. The committees are; Property & Maintenance and Policy & Resources. Their decisions need to be ratified by the Council. In addition there are Working Groups who meet as and when required, e.g. Cemetery Working Group and other working parties are also created to undertake particular projects. e.g. Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.
Dalston Parish Council is the first (and, at present only) Parish Council in the Carlisle area to have written a Neighbourhood Plan. This has to be taken into account by City and County Councils in their decision making and Dalston Parish Council also makes representations on behalf of the parish. However, the Parish Council is just one voice, so if you have concerns that fall within the remit of Carlisle City or Cumbria County Council, e.g. highways, planning, parking, recycling, fly tipping, please also contact them directly. They do take more notice if there are a number of objections and arguments.