Dalston Parish Council Fishing Permits

Fishing permits can be purchased to fish in the River Caldew from the Girder White Bridge to Hawksdale Bridge.


  1. The permit shall be issued only after the production of a current National Rivers Authority Licence to fish for trout only with single rod and line.
  2. The permit shall not be transferable.
  3. The annual close season shall be observed.
  4. No natural or artificial minnow or other spinning bait shall be used.
  5. All trout caught of a size less than eight inches (200mm) shall be returned to the water without injury.
  6. The permit shall be produced on request to a Police Officer, River Bailiff, Officer or Member of the Parish Council or other person who produces a like permit.

Fishing Permits can be purchased from:

Dalston Post Office
2-4 Vicars Cottages
The Square
Dalston CA5 7LW

Schedule of charges

Fishing Permit for the river Caldew (for use between The White Bridge and Hawksdale Bridge):

Resident’s season permit : £10.00

Resident’s season permit – Junior (under 16): £5.00

Visitor’s daily permit: £5.00

Visitor’s daily permit – Junior (under 16): £2.50

Visitor’s weekly permit: £10.00

Visitor’s weekly permit – Junior (under16): £5.00

Fishing Area Permitted in River Caldew, Dalston

Dalston, River Caldew Fishing Area