Government Energy Schemes

Please click the link to see a list of available government energy schemes aimed to help people on a low income or those at risk of fuel poverty. 

Warm Home Discount

A one-time payment of £140 that is taken off energy bills between October and April if your energy provider participates in the scheme.  You need to apply through your energy provider to receive this discount.

Cold Weather Payment

 A one-off payment of £25 when temperatures in your area are below 0oc or below for seven days or more, depending on whether or not you receive certain benefits.

Winter Fuel Payment

A payment of between £100-£300 to help pay heating bills, for people born on or before the 5th April 1954.

Pension Credit

A benefit for retired or elderly people who are on a low income, pension credit supplements, State pensions.  Those eligible also qualify for cold weather payment.

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