
Emergency Road Closure Barras Brow 20 September 2021


 An emergency road closure has been put in place due to the likelihood of danger as a result of as a result of an excavation following a loss of power.

This notice will be in force for a period of up to 21 days from 20th September 2021, as and when the relevant signs are displayed. It is anticipated that the restriction will be required for 21 days. It is likely that after this time a second 21 day notice will be issued and if necessary, follow that with a Temporary 18 months Order.

Please see below details of the extents of the closure and alternative route, the relevant legal notice can be viewed at and a location plan clearly showing these extents can be found on via link

Location: U1133 Barras Brow, Dalston from its junction with a property known as 'Joran' from a point approx. 180 metres from its junction with U1503 Barras Lane Industrial Estate for a total distance of approximately 77 metres.

Alternative Route: A way for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times and a suitable alternative route for vehicles will be available via the unrestricted section of U1133 Barras Brow, U1133 Barras Lane, B5299 Carlisle Road, B5299 Dalston Road, U1161 Peter Lane and A595.

Dalston Lockdown Newsletter October 2021
Makers Market


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